Living a good and worthwhile life is primarily about investigating one’s life through reasoning; which is the ultimate gift given to humanity by nature. Reasoning show more content. By keeping simple, we must strive to experience true pleasure and avoid shallow and brief ones Jan 27, · Life offers many challenges but through the love that I receive from my family and friends I become strong enough to face them. Love that I can receive as I live is what makes my life worth living. The opportunity to receive and share it to others really makes my life worth living. Happy moments that I spend with my loved ones also make my life worth living What Makes A Life Worth Living? The Consequences Of Life: What Makes Life Worth Living. Many have different ways of seeing what makes their life worth Plato's Apology: The Unxamined Life Is Not Worth Living. Socrates is a brilliant philosopher whose life and teachings Essay on Make a Life
What makes life wowrth living Gordon Mathews - Essay - words
A life without any purpose or aim is futile. Different individuals have different factors that add meaning to their life. Meaningfulness is an essential component of our life. It gives us the hope, determination and passion to achieve the things that we believe make our life complete, what makes life worth living essay. Most of the people fail to find a purpose for their life and lead a meaningless life. They have nothing to strive for and to achieve. This is because people usually wait for that purpose and they believe that it will come to them by itself. Adding meaning to our life does not necessarily mean that we must achieve something in return.
Sometimes giving something to the outside worldto our surroundings, also adds meaning to our life and gives us a sense of completion and contentment. In order to analyze the factors that add meaning to different individuals' lives Gordon Matthews interviewed 50 Japanese and American couples. In his book'what makes life worth living', he added the points-of-view of nine couples. These couples were considered as individuals giving their opinion about life and not as the representatives of Japan and the United States of America. Matthews, Gordon tried to determine what the citizens of the two super powers of the world thought about life. He determined that there is a term "ikigai" in Japanese which means "things that make your life worth living' or in other words what are the most important things in your life, what makes life worth living essay.
Gordon asked the people of Japan about what makes their life worth living and average answers that he got were familyleisure time and work etcetera. Matthews, In America, however, there is no such term as 'ikigai'. Gordon, therefore, asked the people the following question 'what is the meaning of life for you', most of the people were not able to understand the question therefore Gordon rephrased the question and asked the people 'what makes their life worth living? Matthews, Individuals usually form and classify their 'ikigai' on the basis of the norms and ethics of the society in which they live, what makes life worth living essay.
We all have an 'ikigai' in our life as what makes life worth living essay is essential for our lives, what makes life worth living essay. It makes our lives significant and worth living for but it is always in alignment with the societal forces that surround us as we have to interact with these forces from time to time in order to sustain in this world. Matthews, It was also determined by Gordon that it is difficult for the people to sustain and maintain the meaning of their life in old age as compared to young age. This is because they retire from their work and can no more find meaning in their job or work.
Their children also leave home hence they cannot find meaning in family. They, therefore, try to find a purpose for their life in their social circles and distant family relationships, which is a very difficult thing to do, what makes life worth living essay. Gordon said that if people try to find meaning in their work they will soon lose their purpose. According to him the real meaning of life lies within the social and blood relationships that a person has. They are the things that add meaning to life and make it worth living. Matthews, Life has a different meaning for different individuals and people see and interpret it from their own point-of-view. The factors that I believe add meaning to my life are sports that I want to pursue as career, having a family, good social circle that is a sincere bunch of friends and financial success.
These factors, I believe, will give me a complete sense of satisfaction in life. The answer For me the worthiness or the meaning of life lies in the fact that I have a unique purpose to fulfill. I have to face my own unique challenges and overcome my unique problems. The purpose of my life is divided into many components and one of these components is to pursue a career as a football coach. I realized that being a football coach is an important thing for me from my childhood as I used to act as a coach with my friends when we played. And now I am 23 and what makes life worth living essay I have the same dream that is to complete my studies and to be a coach, to make my players perform up to their best level.
I believe that when we are satisfied with what we are doing then we are living a life that is worth living. For me career is also an important aspect of life. It gives us an identity and a sense of self-respect. If I will be able achieve this goal then I will most probably be contented and satisfied with my life, what makes life worth living essay. I also believe that lovefamily and children have an undeniable connection with happiness. Family gives us something to live for. My family enhances my confidence and with them I feel happy and less stressed.
For me, to live a life that is worth living for, getting married and having children is also important. Being loved is an important requirement of every human being and I believe that families are your first and most important source of love. No matter what you are going through they will always stand by you and believe in you even when you are not able to believe in yourself. Their love is unconditional and they add purpose to your life as you have someone to live for. Sometimes a simple meal with your family makes you forget all your problems and I believe that family is the most cherished and the most precious possession a person can ever have. Therefore, in order to make my life meaningful I would like to raise a family so that I can have someone to look at in times of happiness and misery.
Friends are also an important part of life and they also play an important role in making our life significant. We share some most important moments of our lives with them. They are there to help and support us when we are sad and to celebrate with us when we are happy. Friendship is the most important relationship in life. They are the family that we chose to be with and the special laughter and secret jokes that we share with them are carved in our mind forever. For me coming back from job and spending an evening with a bunch of sincere friends adds meaning to my life. I think it will give a sense of satisfaction and it will complete my day. Friends are one of the most important factors that make life worth living and add meaning to it. Another factor that, I believe, is essential for my life is financial success.
From a practical point-of-view, being financially stable is important for surviving in today's competitive era. I would like to have financial success in my life so that I can provide a good lifestyle for those associated with me and so that I can lead a decent life. Being financially stable also adds to your confidence and self-respect. Though, according to me, emotional stability is a more important aspect of a good life but thinking from an economic or practical perspective, financial stability also plays an important role in making our life worth living. Different people have different factors that make their life worth living. Some people associate the true meaning of life with work, whereas others try to find in blood relationships.
For some people, friends are more important than blood relationship whereas, for some people financial success is the most important aspect of life. Whatever factor people believe is most important for their life and adds meaning to their life must be in alignment with the norms, principles and rules of the society in which they live. For me a life that is worth living is a combination of different emotional and financial factors and a balance between them enables us to lead a life full of satisfaction and happiness. People pursue their Ikigai to make their lives worth living. Ikigai means the most important thing in one's life. People what makes life worth living essay have different Ikigai according to their cultural surroundings and personal values.
These Ikigai then become the topic of discussion among many groups and gatherings. They also give a person the sense of completeness in his life. Creation is also one of the…. References Matthews, G. What makes life worth living? Berkeley: University of California Press. Life It is important to acquire goodness in order to understand the meaning and purpose of life. Distressed and hopeless people do not consider or think about the meaning of life. For them, the meaning of life becomes inappropriate when their existence is at stake and when their life is a mixture of worries and perplexities. On the other hand, people who are not desperate mull over the meaning of life.
strong issue with the ideas of David Benatar and James Lenmanwhat makes life worth living essay, which I regard as simply absurd, or more likely a case of academics striking a pose and writing in a sarcastic and cynical manner what makes life worth living essay hopes of getting a rise out of their readers. If the latter is true, they certainly succeeded with me, since I cannot accept the notion that non-existence is always preferable to existence. deathbed, Morrie reflects on his life, and relays several messages about the meaning or purpose of life.
Ironically, one of the main messages of the story is that life does not necessarily have a greater or cosmic meaning. Meaning is found in what is immediately before us, in the day-to-day existence and especially in relationships with others. Life's meaning is found in accepting life for what it is rather than. Life A number of literary, philosophical, psychological, religious and other writers are of the view that the subject of 'the meaning of life' forms one among the most central issues experienced by people.
Tolstoy Rowlands claims that science is unable to provide assistance in this regard. While it can describe what life is, it is incapable of describing what makes life worth living essay meaning. It is able to explain the things in this world and. Life Philosophers much older and wiser than I have wrestled with the thorny question of life's meaning, and risen from the mat covered with scratches and welts, but still what makes life worth living essay answers. The questions regarding life's meaning plague mankind at times. During times of prosperity and success, culture and man's conscious is understandably silent on the issue.
There is no reason to struggle with the weighty matters of my purpose on. Life Experience of Personal Care Assistants in Anchorage: Cross-Cultural Caring of Older Adults: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study The increase in racial and ethnic diversity in the United States and specifically in Anchorage Alaska and the compelling evidence of ethnic health disparities Smedley, Stith and Nelson, what makes life worth living essay, makes the incorporation of ethnogeriatric perspective into the practice of geriatric health care of critical importance. Reported are the "federally designated racial and ethnic groups…[of]…"American. Home Writing Tools Example Essays About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.
Download this Essay in word format. Excerpt from Essay : ¶ … Life worth Living In order for life to be worth living it should have a purpose and for our life to be meaningful we must have some aspiration that makes it worthwhile.
These Are The Moments That Make Life Worth Living
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Everyone in life also has different ideas of what makes life doable through hard difficult times were perseverance is needed, and that’s when we ask ourselves what makes life worth living?, without a doubt waking up every morning, family, and the future make life worth living. One of such ways of that makes life worth living is by waking every morning, which gives a fresh new start, Jan 27, · Life offers many challenges but through the love that I receive from my family and friends I become strong enough to face them. Love that I can receive as I live is what makes my life worth living. The opportunity to receive and share it to others really makes my life worth living. Happy moments that I spend with my loved ones also make my life worth living Excerpt from Essay: ¶ . Life worth Living. In order for life to be worth living it should have a purpose and for our life to be meaningful we must have some aspiration that makes it worthwhile. A life without any purpose or aim is futile. Different individuals have different factors that add meaning to their life
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