Special Education. Special education is the practice of teaching students who require special attention due to their individual needs and differences. Theoretical these forms of education involve an individually planned and systematic arrangement that is monitored way of teaching. Also, it requires the use of adapted materials and equipment and a teaching setting that is The purpose of this essay is to provide a realistic and comprehensive analysis of “Case Study: Bryanna” applying the step Special Education Process as dictated by federal IDEA regulations when determining a child’s eligibility for special education services. This case study was included in part Words: Length: 10 Pages Topic: Teaching Paper #: Special Education According to the Federal Laws of the United States of America, "Special Education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability [IDEA (a)]."
Special Education Essay - Words
Theteacher and the paraeducator will collaborate as a way of ensuringthat the students receive better care and better education in theirlearning process. Thisis a process where educationists work together and in harmony tosolve a common concern. The goals include:. Commitment- All the members of the collaboration task force need to be committed and available when they are needed. At all attempts the consultations made should be meaningful special education essay appropriate. Authority- All issues done in the team should be under authority. Caution needs to be taken in handling of the students and when done, authority should first be sought. Inthe class, the students are expected to participate in all theactivities.
They should show response to the teacher or theparaeducator, special education essay, and be ready to learn. Response is not limited toanswering and asking of questions. Eachstudents need to have their own goals set. In this way, all theeducation provided will meet a yardstick in measuring their progress. Are the goals set being met? What special education essay they require to meet theirgoals? There should be additional resources provided andreinforcements that need to be implemented for all the students to befully participative. Therole of the paraeducator has seen a lot of dynamism. It has changedshape into various forms, special education essay. It started from a simple system of workingunder a special needs teacher.
Progressively, a lot of special education essay been done since then. However, both the teacher and theparaeducator have needful interactive roles Giangreco et al. They work in a union to complete the inherent roles of the teacherwhether special or in a general way. To a more specific approach theteacher roles are:. Thisis a crucial stage in any classroom. Good planning is key to expertresults. Failure at this stage makes all the other special education essay a shamble, special education essay. In planning, other things that are considered are the instructionstrategy, reports and student progress. Careis special education essay when dealing with student behaviour since it determinestheir interaction with learning, special education essay.
It is an area which indicates whatkind of instruction that will be employed to the various learners. Thereis need for contact and follow up on a constant basis with thefamilies, special education essay. Attimes, with the support of the paraeducator, the teacher performsevaluation. A wide range of tests can be used to gauge the progressof the learners, special education essay, provide proper developments in terms ofprofessionalism and enable the paraeducator to be effective indischarging their duties Giangreco et al. They work under the direct supervision of special education teachers in a resource room for a significant part of the day or the whole day.
Assist the students with disabilities in general classrooms. This includes various forms of reading interactions, administering routine, helping in health care cases and even keeping records for playground activities and behaviour trends. Assist the teacher to implement their plans. This includes a ray of activities from preparation of materials, note taking and materials duplication. Communication support- They stay on standby for immediate decision making and instruction delivery in the classes. To some extent they are equally used in student evaluation and giving feedback to the parents Giangreco et al. Offer a hand in aiding students encountering educational challenges.
This include among other things in lesson planning. Instructional procedures are keenly outlined to include all the learners in the classroom. Be there for clerical work. This is a routine activity as it involves daily recording of attendances, filing materials and entering progress reports. Provide basic personal care to the students with disabilities. Other roles include teach in the functional life skills areas, teach the vocational skills in available community based sites and facilitate interactions amongst the peers with disabilities. Theteacher and the paraeducator are required to work as a team at alltimes.
The paraeducator is expected to come alongside the teacher toprovide an anchorage for the success of the collaborative efforts. One of the most crucial areas is that of planning. In planning of thetraining, the teacher should develop a detailed lesson plan. Thelesson plan should contain lesson objectives, materials,instructional procedures and evaluation. The lesson plan is the voicethat the teacher will use to communicate to the paraeducator. It iscontains all that happens in a classroom including students conductand other adjustments that have been made in the lessons. Duringteaching, a sample lesson of what is expected is portrayed to theparaeducator. The objectives are outlined through expert modelling bythe teacher. Also, of crucial need is the various ways that theteacher should use to engage the students in class.
Correctivefeedback, reinforcing behaviour, special education essay, and student motivation are the keypillars in teaching. Moreover,the teacher needs to train the paraeducator on how to keep records,and monitor documents that show student progress. After modelling alesson, the teacher should let the paraeducator to be assessed by thesupervisor. When this happens, they can equally take a video of themodelled lesson. This can be quite useful in correction of themistakes that may occur in the lesson, special education essay.
Analyse the tasks- This is the first step. In analysing the task, all the factors are to be considered and the members present, will carry out the tasks. Decide on what to delegate- All issues about student progress should be done by the special education essay people. Minor issues are the only ones that can be delegated to others. Create a specified action plan- It should clearly outline who does what and at what time. The method of execution should also be clear for the success of student progress. Matching-by-skill-specialisation- In cases of more than one paraeducator available, the choice should be biased to the most suitable paraeducator, special education essay.
Make sure one is available and answerable when the need arises. It is also needful in cases of clearing all ambiguity scenerios. Ensure there is monitoring of performance all round. This should be done without bothering the paraeducator Giangreco et al. Special educationpersonnel utilization and general class placement of students withdisabilities: Ranges and ratios. Skip to content Home Free Essays Special Education essay. Related essays: How To Engage Students Who Receive Special Education Accommodation to Ensure They Have Success in Classroom and Athletics essay How To Engage Students Who Receive Special Education Accommodation to Ensure They Have Success in Classroom and Athletics essay Integrative Education Essay essay Identification of Student Prerequisite Special education essay Needed for the Lesson essay, special education essay.
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, time: 0:53Special Education Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
The purpose of this essay is to provide a realistic and comprehensive analysis of “Case Study: Bryanna” applying the step Special Education Process as dictated by federal IDEA regulations when determining a child’s eligibility for special education services. This case study was included in part Special Education essay. Education, Free Essays. SpecialEducation. SpecialEducation. Goalstatements for collaborations. Theteacher and the paraeducator will collaborate as a way of ensuringthat the students receive better care and better education in theirlearning process. Thisis a process where educationists work together and in harmony tosolve a common concern Special Education. Special education is the practice of teaching students who require special attention due to their individual needs and differences. Theoretical these forms of education involve an individually planned and systematic arrangement that is monitored way of teaching. Also, it requires the use of adapted materials and equipment and a teaching setting that is
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