Apr 14, · Simply put, a definition is a statement of the meaning of a word or phrase. An extended definition goes beyond what can be found in a dictionary, offering an expanded analysis and illustration of a concept that might be abstract, controversial, unfamiliar, or frequently misunderstood. Take, for example, writings such as William James Example Essay: Wi-Fi (Concrete Concept) There are basically two types of definition essays. They can define concrete concepts or abstract concepts. They should also provide a larger understanding of the term as a concept. Here first is an example of a definition essay for a concrete concept Free Extended Definition Essay Essay Example. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Suttee, Culture, Practice, Exercise, Family, Women, People, Human. Pages: 1. Words: Published: /11/ Want a similar paper? We can write it! Any type of paper on any subject custom-written for you by the professionals
Extended Definitions in Essays and Speeches
Randy Devillez in "Step by Step College Writing" says that an extended definition can be "as short as a paragraph or two or as long as several hundred pages such as a legal definition of obscene. Seek out the following for some good examples of extended definition in writing:. Lists and Anaphora in "Pioneers: A View of Home" by Yolande Cornelia "Nikki" Giovanni Jr. In "The Death of Adam: Essays on Modern Thought," Marilynne Robinson points out that "We are all aware that 'family' is a word which eludes definition, as do other important things, like nation, race, extended definition essay examples, gender, species; like art, science, virtue, vice, beauty, extended definition essay examples, truth, justice, happiness, religion; like success; like intelligence.
The attempt to impose a definition on indeterminacy and degree and exception is about the straightest road to mischief Extended definition essay examples know of, very deeply worn, very well traveled to this day. This definition allows for families of circumstance and affinity as well as kinship, and it allows also for the existence of people who are incapable of family, though they may have parents and siblings and spouses and children. In the film, "Cold Comfort Farm," actor Ian McKellen plays the part of Amos Starkadder, who says: "You're all damned! Do you ever stop to think what that word means? No, you don't. It means endless, horrifying torment!
It means your poor, sinful bodies stretched out on red-hot gridirons in the nethermost, fiery pit of hell, and those demons mocking ye while they wave cooling jellies in front of ye. You know what it's like when you burn your hand, taking a cake out of the oven, or lighting one of them godless cigarettes? And it stings with a fearful pain, aye? And you run to clap a bit of butter on it to take the pain away, aye? Well, I'll tell ye: there'll be no butter in hell! particularly when we are thinking seriously about a complicated concept, such as democracy, we use a definition as the basis for an entire theme; that is, we write what may be called an extended definition," says Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren in "Modern Rhetoric.
Barbara Fine Clouse explains that an extended definition can also serve a persuasive purpose. Sometimes you inform by clarifying something that is complex A definition can also inform by bringing the reader to a fresh appreciation of something familiar or taken for granted Brooks, Cleanth and Robert Penn Warren. Modern Rhetoric. Abridged 3rd ed. Clouse, Barbara Fine. Patterns for a Purpose: A Rhetorical Reader. Devillez, Randy. Step by Step College Writing. Reid, Stephen. The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers, extended definition essay examples. Prentice Hall, Robinson, Marilynne. Houghton Mifflin, Share Flipboard Email. English English Grammar An Introduction to Punctuation Writing. By Richard Nordquist Richard Nordquist. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks.
Learn about our Editorial Process. Cite this Article Format. Nordquist, Richard. Learn How to Use Extended Definitions extended definition essay examples Essays and Speeches. copy citation. Watch Now: How to Write a Thesis Extended definition essay examples. Classic British and American Essays and Speeches. Definition and Examples of Appositives in English. Ted Sorensen on the Kennedy Style of Speech-Writing. Rhythm in Phonetics, Poetics, extended definition essay examples, and Style.
Definition and Examples of Epideictic Rhetoric. What You Need to Know About Conjunctive Adverbs. Definition and Examples of Climactic Order in Composition and Speech, extended definition essay examples.
Extended Definition Essay
, time: 24:04extended definition essay topics for college students

Example Essay: Wi-Fi (Concrete Concept) There are basically two types of definition essays. They can define concrete concepts or abstract concepts. They should also provide a larger understanding of the term as a concept. Here first is an example of a definition essay for a concrete concept Jan 15, · Definition essay example 2 — Emotional intelligence Theodore Roosevelt once said that, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” (Tredgold, ). Indeed, humans are Nov 23, · When choosing a definition essay topic, you need to understand the topic before you pen the essay for others to read. Explain the term in simple words or in your own words. Example topic “Love” you can take a whole week writing about blogger.com the sake of your essay, limit it to either, platonic love or romantic love or any other kind of love
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